EMC Time

Dec 17, 2016
EMC Time
  • Empire Minecraft has players from all over the world, on several different time zones. Because of that, we have the EMC Time, which is an official time for the server, mostly used for organizing official events. You can use the command /time in game to see the current EMC Time, which is the same as the Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

    Below, you can see the current EMC Time, as well as other time zones' clocks, so you can compare your time zone with EMC Time.

    EMC Time (EDT)

    Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)

    Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

    Central Daylight Time (CDT)

    British Summer Time (BST)

    Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

    Thanks to the folks over at timeanddate.com for the clocks!
    Take part in events on EMC, host one yourself or visit a special Empire residence.